Pet Friendly Logo
Edit and download this pet friendly logo free for a limited time. You can easily create a pet friendly sticker for your products or add a “pet friendly” logo for your business website.
To customize this pet friendly logo, open it in MockoFun and go to LAYERS in the left hand side menu. Select the layers and change the colors by going to theย Stroke options or the text color.
The pet friendly logo design has a size of 5.5″x5.5″ if you download it as PDF for printing. You can also download it as a JPG image or a PNG if you need a pet friendly logo with transparent background.
This simple pet friendly logo is very useful if you want to print it on a sticker paper. The logo contains 2 vector circle outlines. It also contains the text “PET FRIENDLY” as curved text above and curved text under.
Apply the pet friendly stamp logo on your website. Pet friendly hotels or bed and breakfast can place this on their homepage or on flyers.